In the refugee centers about 1,800 people whose migration process has already been completed are now waiting to switch to regular accommodations. For them it is very dificult to manage to getting a flat, said Senator Mario Czaja (CDU) in an interview with the “Berliner Morgenpost ”. Just like former asylum seekers, mostly single older people depending on Hartz IV and other needy people are searching for small and cheap apartments. “This threatens to a social disaster”, says the health policy spokesman Heiko Thomas of the Green party in Berlin. Although these groups of people are often not qualified enough for the landlord they increase the demand pressure and contribute unintentionally to further rent increases in all segments. Due to decades of little to no construction activity there are no more reserves in the property market in Berlin. The situation is not going to calm down soon: According to national statistics currently about 30.000 people are moving every year to Berlin.
Berlin Real Estate: Very small apartments are urgently sought.