1st half of 2019: Rental increase in Berlin slows down

Rent increases in Berlin are becoming flatter. At the turn of the first half of 2019, the growth rates in 14 out of 22 districts were lower than in the previous month. The year-on-year increase in portfolio rents was only around 2.2 percent. New construction lettings increase by approx. 4.4 percent. Read more here.

by Peter Guthmann Published on:

Slight increase year-on-year. Slight decline in the course of the months.

In many districts of Berlin, rent increases are currently declining. The August update of our market report for Berlin properties now also includes the figures for the month of July 2019. The new contract rents offered on the free housing market for portfolio apartments in Berlin, as at 01.08.2019, are therefore at a square metre rent of approx. EUR 11.30 net cold. Measured as of 31 July 2018, the increase in rents was around 2.2 percent across the entire city area. For the evaluations, the rents advertised by the leading real estate portals and daily newspapers in Berlin were analysed. The figures are based on approx. 73,000 advertisements over 12 months. In the new construction segment, median initial lettings are at EUR 16.60 per square metre, which corresponds to an increase of approx. 4.4 percent over the 12-month period. The current figures do not confirm a trend reversal in rents, but presumably initiate a phase of sideways movement, as rents as a whole continue to maintain a high level. It is true that from 2017 to 2019 the annual rent increases have halved from year to year. With the exception of Kreuzberg and Weißensee, rent declines in absolute figures are not to be seen. Looking back over 5 years, the rent increase in Berlin is around 34 percent.

Price pressure eases, rental market stabilizes

On the 12-month scale, in July 2019 we recorded a slight decline in rental claims in 14 of 22 districts in the portfolio segment. Advertised new contract rents averaged around EUR 11.30 per square metre in this period, an increase of around 2.2 percent on the same period of the previous year. The increase from 2017 to 2018 was still 5.20% and in the period before (2016 to 2017) 13.30%. Rental development is thus currently establishing itself just above the inflation rate. At the turn of the half-year, non-uniform trends are emerging in the districts. In relation to the previous month, Marzahn-Hellersdorf is showing the strongest decline with a minus of 5 percent as of June 2019, followed by Weißensee (-4.3% as of the previous month) and Lichtenberg (-3.2% as of the previous month). With a plus of 7.1 percent and 5.2 percent respectively, Moabit and Neukölln are at the top of the plus range. In the 12-month period, however, rents on offer in Neukölln fell by around EUR 0.1/m².

Market indicator rents Berlin

Rental development 22 Berlin districts on a monthly basis (full months).

District Existing properties 12 month price development Existing properties Median offer price New properties 12 month price development New properties Median offer price
+8.10 % 20.40 EUR/m²
-5.00 % 26.00 EUR/m²
+12.40 % 16.75 EUR/m²
-5.50 % 26.50 EUR/m²
+13.10 % 14.15 EUR/m²
-37.00 % 20.40 EUR/m²
+20.50 % 19.90 EUR/m²
+5.90 % 26.45 EUR/m²
+19.50 % 15.40 EUR/m²
+0.10 % 19.95 EUR/m²
+10.80 % 11.70 EUR/m²
-10.30 % 15.65 EUR/m²
+7.60 % 23.55 EUR/m²
+4.40 % 32.20 EUR/m²
+10.50 % 17.55 EUR/m²
-10.70 % 23.90 EUR/m²
+12.50 % 14.65 EUR/m²
+2.60 % 21.35 EUR/m²
+24.40 % 15.40 EUR/m²
+18.40 % 26.05 EUR/m²
Prenzlauer Berg
+13.10 % 20.20 EUR/m²
-0.10 % 23.85 EUR/m²
+15.50 % 14.10 EUR/m²
-17.00 % 18.25 EUR/m²
+16.10 % 18.00 EUR/m²
-8.30 % 25.00 EUR/m²
+25.30 % 13.40 EUR/m²
+2.70 % 18.95 EUR/m²
+10.00 % 15.15 EUR/m²
-4.10 % 22.95 EUR/m²
+3.30 % 12.70 EUR/m²
-13.10 % 19.10 EUR/m²
-3.10 % 20.20 EUR/m²
-9.00 % 27.30 EUR/m²
+14.80 % 15.45 EUR/m²
-6.60 % 20.00 EUR/m²
+26.50 % 16.00 EUR/m²
+6.70 % 25.75 EUR/m²
+4.40 % 15.35 EUR/m²
-35.70 % 25.00 EUR/m²
+11.00 % 20.15 EUR/m²
+1.00 % 26.25 EUR/m²
+7.80 % 17.25 EUR/m²
+7.90 % 24.40 EUR/m²

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