At the end of 2013 there were officially 1.883.161 apartments in Berlin, being 6.177 more compared with end of 2012. The apartments distribute in over 316.047 buildings. About half of them are single-family homes and only about one percent of all properties are located in residential homes, says the office.
1.5 percent of all apartments were located on 31.12.2013 in non-residential buildings, for example in commercial units.
The number one on district ranking based on quantity of Berlin apartments among the 12 districts is Pankow followed by Mitte and Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf. Currently the smallest apartment stock has Spandau and Reinickendorf. In almost all districts the number of properties increased in 2013 with exception of Tempelhod-Schöneberg. Most of Berlin properties were built in Pankow and Mitte.