Last Update: 03.01.2025

Berlin Properties Marzahn-Hellersdorf 2025

Berlin is discussing about skyscrapers. Marzahn and Hellersdorf have them. The negative image has long been over, the silhouette is cleverly staged and many new district centres have arisen.


From trash to trend

After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the image of the prefab housing developments was very poor and anchored with the name Marzahn-Hellersdorf, even though the large housing developments made only part of the building structure in the district. That's history. Active neighbourhood management, uninterrupted modernisation and the creation of green spaces and active district centres have triggered structural and sustainable changes. Today, the district benefits from its heterogeneous development structure of prefabricated buildings and single-family house locations. The green centre between the two districts will be formed by the park of the International Garden Exhibition IGA in 2017, with cable car. GEWOBAG has created a tourist attraction with the Skywalk on one of the 70 metre high skyscraper towers. The formerly grey facades are used for artworks and poems to reflect the vivid cultural exchange in the neighbourhood.

Existing buildings

Median Asking price
3,890 EUR/m²
-2.80 %
Median Asking rent
10.00 EUR/m²
-4.60 %

New buildings

Median Asking price
5,500 EUR/m²
+4.50 %
Median Asking rent
15.10 EUR/m²
-11.80 %

Property prices Marzahn-Hellersdorf

The price increase for existing flats in the past 12 months was approx. -2.80 %. The current average offer price is approximately 3,890 EUR/m². New buildings are offered on average at a price of about 5,500 EUR/m². The price of small new apartments is already approaching the 5,000 EUR/m² mark. Prices continue to differentiate from quarter to quarter: Hellersdorf 3,050 EUR/m², Kaulsdorf 3,970 EUR/m², Mahlsdorf 4,000 EUR/m², Biesdorf 4,310 EUR/m² and Marzahn with 3,840 EUR/m².

Price index Marzahn-Hellersdorf

Period Existing buildings Median Offer price Index (base 10 years = 100) New buildings Median Offer price Index (base 10 years = 100)
Current quarter 3,890 EUR/m² - 5,500 EUR/m² -
1 Year 4,000 EUR/m² -2.80 % 5,260 EUR/m² 4.50 %
3 Years 3,850 EUR/m² 0.90 % 5,540 EUR/m² -0.70 %
5 Years 3,160 EUR/m² 22.90 % 3,790 EUR/m² 45.00 %
10 Years 1,490 EUR/m² 161.10 % 2,490 EUR/m² 120.80 %

Development of property price segments in Marzahn Hellersdorf

Price evolution (existing apartments) in Marzahn-Hellersdorf. The chart shows price increases and price segment shifts over the 10-year period.

Bird's eye view: Property Prices in Marzahn-Hellersdorf

The Bubble Chart shows the supply situation over the past 12 months on the property market in Marzahn-Hellersdorf. The colors mark the year of construction classes, the size of the bubbles the quantity of offers, the location in the grid price radius (square meters) and apartment sizes.

Family houses

Marzahn-Hellersdorf has an attractive and highly sought-after family house market. In the past 12 months about 1,270 Stock houses and around 430 new buildings have been offered. In the inventory the current, average quotation price is about 4,140 EUR/m². The price development in 12 months is approx. -7.30 %. The price development for new buildings was approx. -10.50 %. The middle list price is currently about 4,320 EUR/m². The number of offers in this period was around 450 in Mahlsdorf, followed by Kaulsdorf with about 310 and Biesdorf with about 250 family houses offered.

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Marzahn-Hellersdorf has one of the largest so called "future locations" in Berlin with the 90 ha area of the CleanTech Business Park. Inner-city areas for manufacturing industry are limited in Berlin and will accelerate the positive development of the district. The CleanTech Business Park is primarily aimed at companies from the recycling, water industry and chemical industry. Knorr-Bremse Aktiengesellschaft produces braking systems for rails and commercial vehicles. The company has been listed on the stock exchange since 2018 and has just over 1,000 employees in Berlin. "Marzahn Impuls" is another commercial hub with various industries and training locations. Companies and residents feel a strong bond to the district and the demand for high-quality housing will grow with the growth of the commercial locations. Besides family houses, condominiums are the trend segment for the next few years.

Apartment buildings

The market for apartment buildings in Marzahn-Hellersdorf is smaller than in other districts. House sizes are mostly between 300 and 400 m². Nevertheless, the price dynamics are great and have a clear upward trend with interesting entry-level prices.

Related topics: Milieu protection  Rent cap  Residential building report


Verkaufsjahr ∑ Transaktionen ⌀ Verkaufspreis (wfl) pro m² (€) ⌀ Verkaufspreis Vielfaches ∆% Verkaufspreis (wfl) pro m² (1 Jahr)
2.018 6 2.370 21,2  
2.019 8 2.460 24,9 4%
2.020 9 3.240   32%
2.021 5 3.070   -5%
2.022 5 3.100 26,6 1%
2.023 6 3.310   7%
2.024 4 2.430   -27%
Source: Berlin Expert Committee, own evaluation and illustration.


Verkaufsjahr ∑ Transaktionen ⌀ Verkaufspreis (wfl) pro m² (€) ⌀ Verkaufspreis Vielfaches ∆% Verkaufspreis (wfl) pro m² (1 Jahr)
2.018 15 1.960 19,2  
2.019 15 2.610 24,1 33%
2.020 9 3.000 26,8 15%
2.021 25 3.090 29,9 3%
2.022 20 3.400 28,1 10%
2.023 8 2.480   -27%
2.024 10 3.120   26%
Source: Berlin Expert Committee, own evaluation and illustration. WFL= Living Area

New construction Marzahn-Hellersdorf

GDR blocks and Prussian villages? Marzahn-Hellersdorf is much more. More and more elegant and modern architecture is now appearing in the characteristic Marzahn high-rise silhouette from the 1970s in the GDR, with its approximately 100,000 apartments. We have researched over 40 new construction projects since 2019, with construction sums ranging from "a few" million to around 60 million.

In Lion-Feuchtwanger-Strasse, EUROBODEN is currently developing a remarkable project. Remarkable because the project developer stands for architecturally extraordinary and elaborate designs. The residential complex consisting of two six-story row buildings looks remarkably like buildings of the French modernism. The construction sum for this flagship project amounts to 25 million euros for around 120 residential units. 

At the construction site along Kastanienallee, GESOBAU is building a residential quarter with around 450 apartments in the first phase. Later, up to 1,500 apartments are to be developed here. 

The vibrant construction activity in Marzahn-Hellersdorf indicates that a paradigm shift is taking place, based on the needs of the metropolitan society in the decades to come. 

Neighbourhoods in Marzahn-Hellersdorf

Marzahn-Hellersdorf is on the one hand characterized by its large settlements from the 1970s to the 1980s, and on the other hand by its huge single-family house quarters in the immediate vicinity and in the south and east of the district, in Biesdorf, Kaulsdorf, Mahlsdorf and Hellersdorf. The slab buildings were privatised only occasionally, which explains the very small existing housing market when measured against the available space. The focus of demand in both subdistricts is on the family house market. Measured in terms of area, the house market is also limited and is unable to meet the high demand. The quarters in Hellersdorf are now expanding beyond the Berlin border into the nearby Märkisch-Oderland. 

Housing deficit

In the diagram below we show the hypothetical housing shortage for the quarters in Marzahn-Hellersdorf. For each quarter, the Statistical Office publishes data on population, household size and housing stock. If there are more households than apartments, we consider this a housing deficit. The colours in the chart show the percentage of housing demand measured against the housing stock.

Rental market in Berlin Marzahn-Hellersdorf

The rents in Marzahn-Hellersdorf are well below the overall Berlin level. Under 1,260 rental offers registered by us in 12 months  the current average offer price is 10.00 EUR/m². In comparison: The average new contract offer rent in Berlin is currently 16.60 EUR/m².

Rent index Marzahn-Hellersdorf

Period Existing buildings Median Offer price Index (base 10 years = 100) New buildings Median Offer price Index (base 10 years = 100)
Current quarter 10.00 EUR/m² - 15.10 EUR/m² -
1 Year 10.50 EUR/m² -4.60 % 17.10 EUR/m² -11.80 %
3 Years 8.95 EUR/m² 12.00 % 13.50 EUR/m² 12.00 %
5 Years 8.35 EUR/m² 19.70 % 11.35 EUR/m² 33.10 %

Bird's eye view: Asking rents in Marzahn Hellersdorf

The Bubble Chart shows the supply situation of the last 12 months for the property market in Marzahn-Hellersdorf. The colors indicate the year of construction classes, the size of the bubbles the quantity of offers, the location in the coordinate system the price radius (square meters) and apartment sizes. Rentals are made nearly exclusively in the 1979 - 2000 construction year classes and in the new construction segment. Apartments over 100 m² living space are barely present.

Development of rental price segments in Marzahn Hellersdorf

The chart shows the changes in the price structure of the district based on four price segments. How many apartments were offered in the different price segments? The line shows the development of the average offer price per square metre across all apartment types and price segments for existing apartments.

Building activity in Marzahn-Hellersdorf

The housing stock in Marzahn-Hellersdorf amounts to around 138.000 units across 33 statistical planning areas LOR (Lebensweltlich orientierte Räume). The average apartment size of 71.5 m² puts the district in the lower half. Households are statistically at 1.88 persons and calculated at 1.96 persons per household. 

The building activity in Marzahn-Hellersdorf increased significantly in the past 2 years. When and in which quarters (LOR) construction completions were reported, can be seen from the map. (Source: Amt für Statistik Berlin-Brandenburg)  

Population by nationality


The number of inhabitants in Marzahn-Hellersdorf has grown since 2013. A large part of the inhabitants came from Berlin. This can be seen as an evasion movement, but it also shows the positive development of the perception of this district with its multi-layered offer of cheap rental apartments and family houses. Poland and Romania are leading the international influx in 2017. Besides Lichtenberg there is also an active and growing Vietnamese community in Marzahn-Hellersdorf. The popular Dong Xuan Center is not far away in Lichtenberg. The largest exchange occurs with the neighbouring state. More Berliners are attracted out of the city here than in. Especially popular is the directly bordering Märkisch-Oderland. In general, the residents remain committed to their usual environment, the connection to the district is strong. 

  • All migrations
  • International
  • National
  • Suburban
  • Binnen
  • Hotspot

This report was last updated on 03.01.2025 .


The Guthmann Market Report is a semi-automated report about the property market in Berlin. All information has been carefully researched and is given to the best of our knowledge and belief. We assume no liability for completeness, deviations, changes and errors. Our report does not represent an investment recommendation.


Amt für Statistik Berlin-Brandenburg: Einwohnerregisterstatistik (Bewegungsdaten), Fortschreibung des Wohngebäude- und Wohnungsbestandes, Ergebnisse des Haushaltegenerierungsverfahren KOSIS-HHGen, Baufertigstellungen. IMV GmbH: Rohdaten Preise und Mieten. Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen: Umwandlungsdaten (2018), Geoportal Berlin (FIS-Broker). Immobilienverband Deutschland IVD (2018/2019): Immobilienpreisservice 2018/2019.


Housing deficit (Treemap): The Statistics Office updates the household data based on the 2011 micro-census. Determination of household count and statistical household size via household generation procedures (KOSIS). We calculate the real household size / housing deficits via the ratio number of inhabitants to number of apartments.
Purchase prices and rents (charts and reports): Calculation of the median on the basis of raw data, own visualization.
Migrations: Aggregation and visualization based on transaction data.


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