Last Update: 06.02.2025

Berlin Properties Weißensee 2025

A green idyll close to the city and urban structures - Weißensee brings back a piece of Berlin's past. But this does not match today's image, even though that is exactly what many Berliners are looking for: A bit of nostalgia, more air, more space. Today the district competes with its neighbour Prenzlauer Berg for the favour of residents - and usually wins.

Berlin Prenzlauerberg

Urban core and rural idyll

Weißensee is characterised by small old building quarters with beautiful commercial courtyards and settlements in the south, family houses and garden colonies in Blankenburg and Heinersdorf and an attractive district centre in the north in Karow. The Weißensee Art Academy with about 800 students, the large Jewish cemetery and the lido are well known. Weißensee has what other districts need so desperately: land and development potential. 

Existing buildings

Median Asking price
4,660 EUR/m²
-1.50 %
Median Asking rent
15.35 EUR/m²
+4.40 %

New buildings

Median Asking price
7,670 EUR/m²
-8.20 %
Median Asking rent
25.00 EUR/m²
-35.70 %

Property prices Berlin Weißensee

The price adjustment in the past 12 months was -1.50 %. The current offer price for existing apartments is 4,660 EUR/m², with an offer volume of 300 apartments. In the 12-month period 280 new apartments at an average price of 7,670 EUR/m² and an adjustment of -8.20 % were offered. The housing market is focused on the town district of Weißensee.

Price index Weißensee

Period Existing buildings Median Offer price Index (base 10 years = 100) New buildings Median Offer price Index (base 10 years = 100)
Current quarter 4,660 EUR/m² - 7,670 EUR/m² -
1 Year 4,730 EUR/m² -1.50 % 8,360 EUR/m² -8.20 %
3 Years 5,030 EUR/m² -7.40 % 7,560 EUR/m² 1.50 %
5 Years 4,580 EUR/m² 1.80 % 4,810 EUR/m² 59.50 %
10 Years 2,460 EUR/m² 89.80 % 3,180 EUR/m² 141.10 %

Development of property price segments in Berlin Weissensee

As in all central inner city districts, the lower price segment has virtually disappeared.

Bird's eye view: Property Prices in Berlin Weissensee

The Bubble Chart shows the supply situation of the last 12 months for the property market in Weißensee. The colors indicate the year of construction classes, the size of the bubbles the quantity of offers, the location in the coordinate system the price radius (square meters) and apartment sizes.

Family houses

The market for family houses centers on the districts of Blankenburg (120 offers in 12 months), Heinersdorf (50 offers in 12 months) and Karow (140 offers in 12 months). In Blankenburg and Heinersdorf the average square meter prices were in the range 4,700 EUR/m², in Karow at 4,150 EUR/m². In the district Weißensee 40 properties have been posted, with an average price of 5,530 EUR/m²

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Weißensee appeals to many different target groups and Berlin's inner city is also expanding into this district. So far, the price difference between the districts of Prenzlauer Berg and Weißensee is still evident. Since 2013, however, Weißensee has been gaining residents, especially from its direct neighbours Prenzlauer Berg, Pankow, Lichtenberg and Wedding, which led to a jump in prices for condominiums and family houses last year. The wide range of different house types and housing styles attracts owner-occupiers and investors alike. 

Weißensee offers potential for densification and housing construction. Improving the infrastructure is one of the main issues in connection with densification. The pressure on the housing market in Weißensee is somewhat less than in inner-city neighbourhoods. For example, the housing cost ratio in Prenzlauer Berg is between 32 and 37%, in the central quarters of Weißensee only about 20 to 25%. 

Entry-level prices are still moderate. In our view, there is no time to lose in Weißensee.

Apartment buildings in Berlin Weissenssee

The center of Weißensee is characterized by compact multifamily buildings, primarily historic stucco structures with three to four stories, typically consisting of a main front building and, at times, small sheds or commercial spaces toward the back of the lot. In 2020, asking prices saw a slight increase; since then, price trends have been inconsistent and highly location-dependent. Prices in Weißensee remain relatively moderate, partly due to the establishment of two milieu protection areas in 2017.

The small-scale development and limited supply contribute to the area’s long-term value stability. With predominantly mid-to-high-quality locations and a stable resident base, Weißensee continues to be in demand among investors.

Verkaufsjahr ∑ Transaktionen ⌀ Verkaufspreis (wfl) pro m² (€) ⌀ Verkaufspreis Vielfaches ∆% Verkaufspreis (wfl) pro m² (1 Jahr)
2.018 22 2.110 25,3  
2.019 21 2.940 28,6 39%
2.020 29 2.690 26,1 -9%
2.021 21 2.510 29,2 -7%
2.022 13 3.110 27,7 24%
2.023 18 3.280 26,3 5%
2.024 9 2.580   -21%
Source: Berlin Expert Committee, own evaluation and illustration. WFL= Living Area

New construction Berlin Weißensee

A great deal of land and tremendous development potential 

Weißensee emerged from a street village founded in the 13th century east of the Weißensee lake. From its incorporation into greater Berlin in 1920 until the administrative reform of 2001, the district was independent; only since 2001 Weißensee has been a district within the borough of Pankow. 
Today, Weißensee is characterized by small-scale neighborhoods of old buildings with beautiful commercial courtyards and housing estates in the south, family houses and garden colonies in Blankenburg and Heinersdorf, and an appealing 1990s district center in Karow. 
New construction plays an important role in Weißensee, given the district's land reserves. With only a little work, dozens of new construction projects can be located, quite a few of them in the high investment range. 
For example, a well-known Berlin developer is considering the construction of micro-apartments in Prenzlauer Promenade, with an investment of well over 50 million euros. 

The mix of typologies in Weißensee is very interesting, from micro-apartments to townhouses. Student apartments are also being developed in Rennbahnstrasse, and in Gäblerstrasse there is a brand-new BUWOG complex with around 230 residential units and around 100 parking spaces. You can find another 30 new construction projects on our new construction map.

Building activity in Weißensee

Weißensee is a suburb of the administrative district of Pankow. The current housing stock of Weißensee is 46.000 units with an average size of 73.0 m² living space per apartment. The 13 statistical planning areas LOR (Lebensweltlich orientierte Räume) are distributed over 5 city districts. With a statistical household size of 1.84 persons and a calculated household size of 1.97 persons per household, the housing market in Berlin-Weißensee is comparatively calm.

In comparison to the housing stock, construction activity in Weißensee has been consistently high in recent years. When and in which quarters (LOR) construction completions were reported, can be seen from the map. (Source: Amt für Statistik Berlin-Brandenburg)  

Neighbourhoods in Berlin Weissensee

Five quarters, three main markets. Weißensee is not only geographically divided. In the urban part of the district, the old three- to four-storey buildings with sheds and small commercial units predominate. The housing estate from the 1920s is known beyond the borders of Berlin for its groundbreaking architecture. Joseph Teichmann's Holländerhof and Bruno Taut's settlement on Buschallee are part of this cultural heritage. In line with the building structure, the market for freehold flats and apartment buildings is mainly concentrated in the district of Weißensee. Blankenburg and Heinersdorf, on the other hand, have a rural character. The family house market dominates here. Both districts are parallel to the S-Bahn line that connects Berlin with Buch. Allotments and a golf course strengthen the character of an idyll close to the city. Karow in the north has both: single-family houses and block buildings with rental and condominium apartments, mostly from the 1990s. It has its own character and an independent district centre.

Rental Market in Berlin Weißensee

Rental demand pressure is moderate in Weißensee. The price adjustment in the 12-month period was about 4.40 %. 330 apartments were offered at an average rent of 15.35 EUR/m². In Karow, 120 apartments were advertised for re-rental at an average value of approx. 12.65 EUR/m²}. 

Rent index Weißensee

Period Existing buildings Median Offer price Index (base 10 years = 100) New buildings Median Offer price Index (base 10 years = 100)
Current quarter 15.35 EUR/m² - 25.00 EUR/m² -
1 Year 14.70 EUR/m² 4.40 % 38.90 EUR/m² -35.70 %
3 Years 13.15 EUR/m² 17.00 % 16.10 EUR/m² 55.20 %
5 Years 10.40 EUR/m² 48.00 % 14.90 EUR/m² 67.50 %

Bird's eye view: Asking rents in Berlin Weissensee

The Bubble Chart shows the supply situation of the last 12 months for the property market in Weißensee. The colors indicate the year of construction classes, the size of the bubbles the quantity of offers, the location in the coordinate system the price radius (square meters) and apartment sizes.

Development of rental price segments in Berlin Weissensee

The chart shows the changes in the price structure of the district based on four price segments. How many apartments were offered in the different price segments? The line shows the development of the average offer price per square metre across all apartment types and price segments for existing apartments.

Milieu protection

As of January 2019, two conservation areas are in force in the district of Weißensee.

Milieu protection area In force since Area in ha Extended Last update
Komponistenviertel 2017 41.3 - -
Langhansstraße 2017 109.7 - -

Check in our milieu protection map Berlin whether your property is located in a protection area, an investigation area or a suspected area. Our milieu protection map is continuously revised and updated on basis of the resolutions of the district assemblies (BVV). Please also visit our milieu protection area for further information.

Population by nationality


The population figures in Weißensee have been growing continuously for years. The influxes are carried equally by international influxes and internal migrations. Weissensee easily gives way to the surrounding countryside.

  • All migrations
  • International
  • National
  • Suburban
  • Binnen
  • Hotspot

This report was last updated on 06.02.2025 .


The Guthmann Market Report is a semi-automated report about the property market in Berlin. All information has been carefully researched and is given to the best of our knowledge and belief. We assume no liability for completeness, deviations, changes and errors. Our report does not represent an investment recommendation.


Amt für Statistik Berlin-Brandenburg: Einwohnerregisterstatistik (Bewegungsdaten), Fortschreibung des Wohngebäude- und Wohnungsbestandes, Ergebnisse des Haushaltegenerierungsverfahren KOSIS-HHGen, Baufertigstellungen. IMV GmbH: Rohdaten Preise und Mieten. Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen: Umwandlungsdaten (2018), Geoportal Berlin (FIS-Broker). Immobilienverband Deutschland IVD (2018/2019): Immobilienpreisservice 2018/2019.


Housing deficit (Treemap): The Statistics Office updates the household data based on the 2011 micro-census. Determination of household count and statistical household size via household generation procedures (KOSIS). We calculate the real household size / housing deficits via the ratio number of inhabitants to number of apartments.
Purchase prices and rents (charts and reports): Calculation of the median on the basis of raw data, own visualization.
Migrations: Aggregation and visualization based on transaction data.


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